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Patch 33 on Monday the 24th 
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Joined: Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:48 pm
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Post Re: Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
So it looks like there was a little information leak. These patchnotes were not supposed to be posted until they were available in every language and that the translation was approved.

The finalised version has only one change to Gunner - the beacon skill.

To create Inqui or Gunner, all new players must have at least one character of at least level 5.

The final version of the patch notes will be put on the website on Monday morning. So check it out there.

Server maintenance happens on Monday morning at 5.00 CET and is expected to last 5 to 6 hours.


Unhumbly, Your European Community Manager


Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:15 am

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Post Re: Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
19. Arquebus has been removed for levels 4,7,14,17,24,27.
- If the character has this equipment (levels 4,7,14,17,24,27) when the game is updated, he will automatically receive the next level of Arquebus that he can use immediately.
- If a player is crafting an Arquebus of these levels when this option is deleted, the crafting process will be stopped. All resources used in the crafting process will be turned into Mythic Stones.

So if the Arquebusses of those lvl's will be removed, what lvl's will the new Arquebusses have?

21. Individual items for Dwarves are more expensive.

They already are bloody expensive, what's the idea behind raises the cost for dwarfs even more? Was our equipment in any way cheaper than those of other classes? If so i pity them all (for now)!

Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:41 am
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Post Re: Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
Skyfire 20 sec cooldown: No more poit capture by doublesky attack!

GunnerTurrelBuildMechaniks: no more turrel on tiny places(couse of gunner being pushed back)

GunnerTurrelBeacon: it worked 2 of 3 times(3th time mana gone, cooldown, but turrel still not there) so it wonnt change much till you fix the beaconbug! (after starting beacon turrel wont be bud no more, evan if there is a golem at start point)

Boom Boom Baby wrote:
19. Arquebus has been removed for levels 4,7,14,17,24,27.
- If the character has this equipment (levels 4,7,14,17,24,27) when the game is updated, he will automatically receive the next level of Arquebus that he can use immediately.
- If a player is crafting an Arquebus of these levels when this option is deleted, the crafting process will be stopped. All resources used in the crafting process will be turned into Mythic Stones.

So if the Arquebusses of those lvl's will be removed, what lvl's will the new Arquebusses have?

10, 20, 30.

Boom Boom Baby wrote:
21. Individual items for Dwarves are more expensive.
They already are bloody expensive, what's the idea behind raises the cost for dwarfs even more? Was our equipment in any way cheaper than those of other classes? If so i pity them all (for now)!

The devs are all orcs and are a bit rassist;)

Last edited by Orkslayer on Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:56 am

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Post Re: Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
Orkslayer wrote:
The devs are all orcs and are a bit rassist;)

Agreed! Especially since sappers can't really do anything unless they get their canon, so they need great equipment even more. I feel singled out! At least the improved the gunner's skill and halted decreased the effectiveness of all non dwarf skills :lol:

Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:01 pm
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Post Re: Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
White Wolf wrote:
23. Mythic stones can be exchanged for ingredients to make potions. NEW ADDITION

That is amazing...

Fri Mar 21, 2014 4:43 pm
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Post Re: Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
You just "forgot" to mansune:

1 Gunner shooting and gun mechanics:
a. Improved animation of ammunition; meets the first object of the flight path. If an ally is in front of the gun, so the attack is blocked
b. Damage will be deducted from the range to the target - the closer the target is, the more damage this inflicted
3. Gunner: Тhe turrrel needs 3 strikes to build(down from 7)

I will keep my opinion about it, for till i check it out, but it don't sound very promising...

Fri Mar 21, 2014 5:38 pm

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Post Re: Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
A) i didn't see any of this anywhere :s
B) Quiker gun Yay!
C) the distance thing can mean 2 things
1) we're still doing normal dmg we're doing now but are killer deadly short range
2) we're useless long range and do normal dmg in short range
I hope for the first scenario, fear the second.

Fri Mar 21, 2014 6:54 pm

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Post Re: Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
Orkslayer wrote:
You just "forgot" to mansune:

1 Gunner shooting and gun mechanics:
a. Improved animation of ammunition; meets the first object of the flight path. If an ally is in front of the gun, so the attack is blocked
b. Damage will be deducted from the range to the target - the closer the target is, the more damage this inflicted
3. Gunner: Тhe turrrel needs 3 strikes to build(down from 7)

I will keep my opinion about it, for till i check it out, but it don't sound very promising...

They have been removed from the patch -that is why they are not there.


Unhumbly, Your European Community Manager


Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:47 am
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Post Re: Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
sounds nice. thanks for the patch. =)

(i dont need pve mode but im happy about the pvp changes)

Image DkH.ZeRa. - former Clan MVP Image
Image DkH.ZeRa - former Clan MVP Image

Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:14 am

Joined: Fri Feb 28, 2014 1:51 am
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Post Re: Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
Game on!

Kaboom Gunner 30
Roctar Inquisitor 10
Yukon Paladin 10
Yabo Berserker 20
Blok Tank 13

Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:20 am
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