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Patch number 40 
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Post Patch number 40
Interface changes:

Added avatars, card and personal statistics of the character

Added tooltips to the global map and statistics for each location
Adapted List menu command
Added new interactive TAB-menu

The opportunity to turn off the voices of other players in the voice chat via the TAB-menu

Removed from the chat status messages or request aid treatment
Its team is now always blue, the opposing team - always red,
The game moved to the shop assistant and is now used on the same principle as amulets. Anyone who currently has an active assistant, it is placed in the Inventory,
Added the ability to use the equipment to fight,
Added the ability to use the tab "Altar" to change the set of skills while waiting for a fight,
Banner character can now be painted.

New locations:

"The monastery at Serpent Lake" - Card mode "siege" of the five control points
"City of the Idols" - PvE-location, redesigned in oriental style version of "Defense Monkey Hill"
Training location.


The game entered SuperVIP-account. To obtain the status of "SuperVIP", you need to purchase a total of 365 (or more) days normal VIP-account. Days acquired prior to installing the patch, into account.
SuperVIP and VIP give a bonus to all participants gain experience battle: VIP - 2%, SuperVIP - 5%. In addition, SuperVIP gives its owner twice more experience than the usual VIP.
Gifts for the acquisition of VIP-account (of the total number of purchased days): 30 days - 10k gold and 50 elixirs of each type; 90 days - 3 runes of each type; 180 days - a set of amulets for 7 days; 365 days - the success rate of crafting (runes and charms) increased by 50%, the player gets the status of "SuperVIP", VIP-VIP-banner and avatar.


Dwarf mechanisms are now built automatically
Berserk added a new ability to "roundhouse kick"
Sisters of Fire added a new ability to "Fire Leap"
Paladins added a new ability to "fast track"
Paladins combined green and blue powders
We combined gunner "Armor" and "Cooling trunks"
"Chain pomegranate" is now pulls captured enemies to themselves
Increased construction time turrets and Tesla-floors
Gunner now receives 5 CPU for the murder of Tesla
The cost of skill "Splitting" changed and now the class is 15 points
The effect of "Freeze" Frost Witch is faster.
Increased activation time is the ability to "shock waves"
Increased cost skill "Shock Wave" from 10 to 15 points of class
The ability to reduce the cost of "The attraction of the earth," from 20 to 15 points of class


From the main menu of the game Fitting removed all the contents and functions transferred to the Inventory
The mechanics of blocking (any frontal attacks reflected in block 100% of the value)
It changed the complexity of PvE-mode
When you first start the game, the system automatically sets the recommended graphics settings. In the "Settings" menu option is available for re-determination of cars recommended graphics settings. - Optimize the quality of texture mapping
Optimized texture mapping
Added animation claudication, which is activated when a character is little health points
Now, when you deal damage by "Mana Shield" Ice Witch Damage converted into mana and is displayed in the HUD-menu
Now all classes - two slots for hairstyles. The crystals were spent on the purchase of hair before, will be refunded
Removed conversion to gold crystals, the store added a set of gold
Added functionality tech support on the site
Added support for streams with goodgame.
Enter the upper limit of the number of the class points - now they can not accumulate more than 100
The number of experience points gained from the destruction of mortars, reduced 3-fold and is now equal to the amount of experience points for killing a character. Also reduced the number of experience points gained from the destruction of guns gunner, - from 80% to 50% of the experience for the murder of a character
The number of lives that adds armor guns, reduced by 25%
Paladins will now see the sign "We need a doctor"
Now, just outside the entrance to the Teleport, players will be able to see where the Output
Changed the effect of capacity Sacred Fire
Number of points class returned Tesla floors, reduced by 25%
It reduced the number of lives way out of Escape
The maximum number of players in the group (party) has been increased to 8
All classes and races unit efficiency decreased by 5%, from the Sisters of Fire - 10%
Radius Chain Pomegranate increased from 7 to 9 meters
Cooldown "devastating blow" has been increased to 15 seconds
It changed the value of skills "Morok" from 15 to 7
The projectile mortars in contact ignores the 30% protection unit exposed
The impact of ice on the player is now displayed on the HUD-panel


Fixed a bug due to which the game client is not unfolded automatically when users connect to an already running game session
Fixed a bug that allowed players to enter the game with the help of geometry and teleport barrier
Fixed a bug that allows the cursor to leave the active window of the game client.
Fixed a bug due to which the fireworks were set two models simultaneously.
Fixed a bug that made it possible to bring the character out of the Main Menu.


In a game added Christmas items: Sweet; Fir branches; Christmas toy as well as three types of fireworks: one-armed Joe cracker; firecrackers "Farewell village"; fireworks "A short love sapper"

You are just too close the screen if you see this


Last edited by Algatzar on Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:41 pm
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Joined: Wed Nov 20, 2013 7:33 pm
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Post Re: Patch number 40
sorry, really fast translate.

I just get so many guestions about this in game so more easy like this

You are just too close the screen if you see this


Last edited by Algatzar on Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:41 pm
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Post Re: Patch number 40
already in game?

Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:43 pm
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Post Re: Patch number 40
Not yet, tomorrow :)

You are just too close the screen if you see this


Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:45 pm
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Post Re: Patch number 40
ty moon :)


Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:55 pm
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Post Re: Patch number 40
np :) i just see that eu is lagging with info now :)

You are just too close the screen if you see this


Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:01 pm
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Post Re: Patch number 40
thanks a lot!

Murmh : Heal 30
Murm : Zerk 30

Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:12 pm
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Joined: Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:54 pm
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Post Re: Patch number 40
"The maximum number of players in the group (party) has been increased to 8"


It could be good, if they are more player on panzar. You can train teamplay brilliant. But for enemie team that arent in grp... has not sense to play.

Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:33 pm
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Post Re: Patch number 40
Icelicia always qq :D gz

Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:51 pm
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Post Re: Patch number 40
Whole Order team against random players :lol: you know how it ends?? :D

You are just too close the screen if you see this


Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:12 pm
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