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Patch number 40 
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Joined: Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:00 pm
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Post Re: Patch number 40
They increased cooldown of crushing blow. Nothing else. I like the new skill from zerk. Its strong in my opinion if u know how to use.

Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:07 am
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Post Re: Patch number 40

"It's difficult for me to make a video from this, cause i need to record all Games, and this cost me really alot of Space!"
You can use OBS to buffer 30 sec or 1 min of your games, and once an interesting situation happens and you wanna have it recorded, you press one button and it starts recording from that very moment + the past buffered 30 sec or 1 min (adjustable).

"I can stream, but i dont find a option in Twitch to record my broadcast to watch it later, so it makes no sense for this case."
Twitch automatically (or maybe there is a check box in the settings) records and keep your streams for 1 month, then they are removed. However, you can still pin (highlight) the videos or moments you wish to keep permanently. For example if you go to my twitch(link below) there is a video i highlighted which is a few months old and was not removed.

first option is recommended as it uses no internet connection, so if you have a good computer (specially with SSD) you should be experiencing no lag.

And about the speedhack, i absolutely agree with you, as I often play zerk and now i can see my ping vs other zerks, I'm even more certain that some Russian zerks use speed hack, otherwise how a zerk comes out of the tp (i assume he should have at most frenzy and 1 rage) and kill me with 2-3 rage + frenzy?
The studio pays zero attention to this side of panzar as the main goal now it to bring new players (and hopefully more money) to the company and who cares about the handful of cheaters?! not the studio.

Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:24 am
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Joined: Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:00 pm
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Post Re: Patch number 40
I dont think that someone cheat. Its just about skill. Its easy to retime a zerk with 1-2 more stacks. Im not sure is it still possible over 3 stacks.Just need a lot of skill.

Thu Dec 10, 2015 12:27 pm
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Post Re: Patch number 40
Mr.Unsichtbar wrote:
I dont think that someone cheat. Its just about skill. Its easy to retime a zerk with 1-2 more stacks. Im not sure is it still possible over 3 stacks.Just need a lot of skill.

You are talking about skilled players, if it was a known player like you, i would think that the problem is my lack of skill. but im talking about unkown players with fake eff. sometimes even less than 4k.

Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:01 pm

Joined: Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:44 am
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Post Re: Patch number 40
nono mr unsichtbar, thats not skill thats lag.

I mean if the Game set me into Astral, and give me -10 Cp and still i got the crushing blow hit in my astral form, fall out of astral and im dead.

Thats not skill, thats just Lagshot, or other problem, like speedhack.
If i play vs your Russian zerk in public, IT NEVER happen , that i got this "lagshot's"
That's just cause you live in Switzeland and im in Austria, if you are now in game, Im pretty sure we both have nearly the same Ping.
So this situation cant come by you, to me. its impossible.
Its like, you press your Rightclick, and you have a ping from 70 -> that means your client need 0.07 Sek to send the Panzar server that you press rightclick.

Example Berserk 20 Ping -> use crushing blow -.> the command need's 0.02 sek to the panzar server, and your charakter does the rightclick.
Frostmage 120 Ping -> See the crushingblow little bit later then its done on the server nearly 0,12sek . After this he use Astral and for this command he need also 0,12sek to go really into astral, or better say to beginn the animation from astral .

Thats the reason why Lagshot's exist, and its not only in panzar, same prinzip on all Egoshooters.
Some Games, and im pretty sure also panzar, has a intern delay to stop that lagshotting, or make better connects.
Anyway i think the Ingame Ping is not correktly, you must give 10-15 ping more. cause some guys play with 0-1 ping, and even if i test the ping for my self, i got 78 ping, and ingame i have 68-70.Ping from 0-5 is nearly impossible normaly.

I know you can counter zerk even with less stacks, but thats not what i talking about.

My charakters are
Eisbaer - Frostwitch
MaxderTank - Tank
AuniderIngi - Gunner
Aunderheiler - Healer
Auni - Inquisitor
Groruk - Berserk
Aunionfire - SoF
Aunii - Sapper

Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:28 pm

Joined: Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:21 pm
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Post Re: Patch number 40
Auni wrote:
nono mr unsichtbar, thats not skill thats lag.

I mean if the Game set me into Astral, and give me -10 Cp and still i got the crushing blow hit in my astral form, fall out of astral and im dead.

Thats not skill, thats just Lagshot, or other problem, like speedhack.
If i play vs your Russian zerk in public, IT NEVER happen , that i got this "lagshot's"
That's just cause you live in Switzeland and im in Austria, if you are now in game, Im pretty sure we both have nearly the same Ping.
So this situation cant come by you, to me. its impossible.
Its like, you press your Rightclick, and you have a ping from 70 -> that means your client need 0.07 Sek to send the Panzar server that you press rightclick.

Example Berserk 20 Ping -> use crushing blow -.> the command need's 0.02 sek to the panzar server, and your charakter does the rightclick.
Frostmage 120 Ping -> See the crushingblow little bit later then its done on the server nearly 0,12sek . After this he use Astral and for this command he need also 0,12sek to go really into astral, or better say to beginn the animation from astral .

Thats the reason why Lagshot's exist, and its not only in panzar, same prinzip on all Egoshooters.
Some Games, and im pretty sure also panzar, has a intern delay to stop that lagshotting, or make better connects.
Anyway i think the Ingame Ping is not correktly, you must give 10-15 ping more. cause some guys play with 0-1 ping, and even if i test the ping for my self, i got 78 ping, and ingame i have 68-70.Ping from 0-5 is nearly impossible normaly.

I know you can counter zerk even with less stacks, but thats not what i talking about.

You and your 2-3 friends need doctor /psycholog/
Also all Panzar teachers

Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:29 pm
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Post Re: Patch number 40
Say me how much russians have 0 or 1 ping? How much studio lowered the numbers what we see? When i ping server panzar 80+ ping, in game they show me 40, strange :D Studio is :evil:

Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:02 pm
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Joined: Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:56 pm
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Post Re: Patch number 40
St.D-r Who wrote:
Auni wrote:
nono mr unsichtbar, thats not skill thats lag.

I mean if the Game set me into Astral, and give me -10 Cp and still i got the crushing blow hit in my astral form, fall out of astral and im dead.

Thats not skill, thats just Lagshot, or other problem, like speedhack.
If i play vs your Russian zerk in public, IT NEVER happen , that i got this "lagshot's"
That's just cause you live in Switzeland and im in Austria, if you are now in game, Im pretty sure we both have nearly the same Ping.
So this situation cant come by you, to me. its impossible.
Its like, you press your Rightclick, and you have a ping from 70 -> that means your client need 0.07 Sek to send the Panzar server that you press rightclick.

Example Berserk 20 Ping -> use crushing blow -.> the command need's 0.02 sek to the panzar server, and your charakter does the rightclick.
Frostmage 120 Ping -> See the crushingblow little bit later then its done on the server nearly 0,12sek . After this he use Astral and for this command he need also 0,12sek to go really into astral, or better say to beginn the animation from astral .

Thats the reason why Lagshot's exist, and its not only in panzar, same prinzip on all Egoshooters.
Some Games, and im pretty sure also panzar, has a intern delay to stop that lagshotting, or make better connects.
Anyway i think the Ingame Ping is not correktly, you must give 10-15 ping more. cause some guys play with 0-1 ping, and even if i test the ping for my self, i got 78 ping, and ingame i have 68-70.Ping from 0-5 is nearly impossible normaly.

I know you can counter zerk even with less stacks, but thats not what i talking about.

You and your 2-3 friends need doctor /psycholog/
Also all Panzar teachers

And who even are you? O_o

Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:46 pm

Joined: Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:21 pm
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Post Re: Patch number 40
Xylar wrote:
St.D-r Who wrote:
Auni wrote:
nono mr unsichtbar, thats not skill thats lag.

I mean if the Game set me into Astral, and give me -10 Cp and still i got the crushing blow hit in my astral form, fall out of astral and im dead.

Thats not skill, thats just Lagshot, or other problem, like speedhack.
If i play vs your Russian zerk in public, IT NEVER happen , that i got this "lagshot's"
That's just cause you live in Switzeland and im in Austria, if you are now in game, Im pretty sure we both have nearly the same Ping.
So this situation cant come by you, to me. its impossible.
Its like, you press your Rightclick, and you have a ping from 70 -> that means your client need 0.07 Sek to send the Panzar server that you press rightclick.

Example Berserk 20 Ping -> use crushing blow -.> the command need's 0.02 sek to the panzar server, and your charakter does the rightclick.
Frostmage 120 Ping -> See the crushingblow little bit later then its done on the server nearly 0,12sek . After this he use Astral and for this command he need also 0,12sek to go really into astral, or better say to beginn the animation from astral .

Thats the reason why Lagshot's exist, and its not only in panzar, same prinzip on all Egoshooters.
Some Games, and im pretty sure also panzar, has a intern delay to stop that lagshotting, or make better connects.
Anyway i think the Ingame Ping is not correktly, you must give 10-15 ping more. cause some guys play with 0-1 ping, and even if i test the ping for my self, i got 78 ping, and ingame i have 68-70.Ping from 0-5 is nearly impossible normaly.

I know you can counter zerk even with less stacks, but thats not what i talking about.

You and your 2-3 friends need doctor /psycholog/
Also all Panzar teachers

And who even are you? O_o

And you? :lol:

Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:51 am
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