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Change Back Sister of Fire and Ice Witch Armour Please. 
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Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 6:28 pm
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Post Change Back Sister of Fire and Ice Witch Armour Please.
The armour looked so much better before. You ruined countless pieces of SoF and IW armour by adding the exact same low quality lazy brown skirt to a bunch of them. It looks terrible, upsets the natural shape of the character, doesn't even conform to the shape of the character right and just looks super bad.

Legitimately why even add it? Seriously it looks awful-really awful. To put so much effort into the graphics and the really well designed armour before now all the mid-table armour looks pretty much the same thanks to this stupid change...why even add it? Some half thought attempt to self censor and clean up the image and attract more players? Which clearly failed if that's the case.

At least give the option to switch back to how it looked. At this point it makes me not want to play as I'm realistic I'm an okay-ish gamer and not ever going to be tourney level so that's not why i play games like this, I play to have fun and enjoy the great looking loot-which why would I devote money and a lot of time to play and craft to get a bunch of armour that has the exact same little brown skirt when it didn't before????


Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:12 pm
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Post Re: Change Back Sister of Fire and Ice Witch Armour Please.
Afair it's because Panzar devs want to release the game in China, they think it will fulfill their wallets. Hehehehehehe :) The witches used to be let's say poorly covered with clothes. And in China it's somehow forbidden (idk, they can't watch boobs or something). For the same reason the fireballs (the fire spheres that sister shoots out of her stick like out of a mortar) aren't skulls anymore, also there was something changed about healer (afair he used to see skulls near dead people).

Sun Dec 06, 2015 12:46 am

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Post Re: Change Back Sister of Fire and Ice Witch Armour Please.
See that just annoys me for a few reasons.
1, why am I, as an EU member having my game changed based on ridiculous laws that simply do not apply to me? Why is this publisher folding to a new market and shitting on the old-the one where players like me have already spent time and money in this game and now to have the game changed in areas to appease one market only?
2, In a game like Panzar which relies on real time updates on a p2p structure playing with someone as far away as China is not realistic at all-so obviously at no point will we be playing with them-so why are the dev's being lazy and cheap and putting out a standardised version of Panzar over regional ones? Give the Chinese a separate version and gives us back out game. Plenty of other games such as Tera, B&S, Black Desert, etc have regional versions with censor's in place where necessary so why doesn't Panzar?
3, and probably most important-lets accept that the dev's are too lazy and cheap to have regional version of the game, fine, censor away-but why use the exact same texture on every item that needed changing? Why so little time, money, effort or care was put in? Lazy crap...

Sun Dec 06, 2015 4:52 pm
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Post Re: Change Back Sister of Fire and Ice Witch Armour Please.
1. Welcome to Russia. 'We do as we want, if you don't like it, go away. (who cares that we do wrong and we'll fail)'. It's your loss that you support(ed) a p2w plus no-care model.
2. same as 1. plus now we play against Russian people and it somehow works, better or worse..
3. no idea, actually never paid so much attention to skins.

Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:58 pm

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Post Re: Change Back Sister of Fire and Ice Witch Armour Please.
Xylar wrote:
1. Welcome to Russia. 'We do as we want, if you don't like it, go away. (who cares that we do wrong and we'll fail)'. It's your loss that you support(ed) a p2w plus no-care model.
2. same as 1. plus now we play against Russian people and it somehow works, better or worse..
3. no idea, actually never paid so much attention to skins.

You know what it's a sad state of affairs for this game that your post makes so much sense and is pretty much spot on.

Sun Dec 06, 2015 8:59 pm
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Post Re: Change Back Sister of Fire and Ice Witch Armour Please.

explosion lalka

Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:23 am
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Post Re: Change Back Sister of Fire and Ice Witch Armour Please.
Schto sche rossija rasslabsja
I hope i write it correct) but what does it means?

Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:33 pm

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Post Re: Change Back Sister of Fire and Ice Witch Armour Please.
Mr.Unsichtbar wrote:
Schto sche rossija rasslabsja
I hope i write it correct) but what does it means?

"just russia. relax". prime minister medvedev calmly sipping tea, while the rebels are gathering outside

Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:02 pm

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Post Re: Change Back Sister of Fire and Ice Witch Armour Please.
They just have to be correct with the law to be able to have the game where they want. Because this is one game it applies to everyone.

There are game team an publish that Give Panzar advice and they follow it.

With kind regards,

White Wolfs
White Wolfs P - White Wolfs B - White Wolfs T - White Wolfs G - White Wolfs S - White Wolfs FW - White Wolfs SF

Sun Dec 13, 2015 3:58 pm
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Post Re: Change Back Sister of Fire and Ice Witch Armour Please.
Mr.Unsichtbar wrote:
Schto sche rossija rasslabsja
I hope i write it correct) but what does it means?

"Eto zhe". But gj.

explosion lalka

Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:58 pm
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