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Account Banns on low Playerbase. 
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Joined: Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:44 am
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Post Account Banns on low Playerbase.
Last sunday, we start with 6 guys couse 1 guy got dc, he come into game while prepaid time.
That means the Game dont even start.
But still 5 Guys from team Vanilla sky try to report team exclusive for missing 10 !!!!!!! seconds into prepaid time .

Last tournament, tue. vanilla sky won against us, 2-0 noone from our team flame, no one from our tame write anythink!!!!!!
1 Day later, whitewolf write to us, your account got banned, cause 5 guys from vanilla sky report you!

We have a playerbase from 50, you want to bann us?
Ok no problem for me, i can stop just ask me.
But stop writing to ww about banns.

how dumb, sorry (about this sentence), are you! to react every pony week to same person about banns.
Do you think we have fun to build a team for a DEAD game, while we got punished from our community manager 24/7 while he is on holiday, he just got mail from vanilla sky, and come to exclusive and Bann, how stupid is this ?
If you want tournaments without exclusive just say it to us, you can have your server with 30 guys for yourself, and i get sure that we switch to a other game.
Just tell me whitewolf, is this your wish?

Just answer to this topic with full sentence, and a reason to your topic.
I dont need answers with 2 sentence, who just show us how dumb you are!

And also to this few guys from vanilla sky who report us on last tournament (tue,)
try to win by your self, i know if you loose one goldleague round, you loose full season, but is this a reason to be unfair and try to bann our accounts?
If this is your only chance , im very sad.
Cause your BV (ofcourse fake bv) is much higher, and also 5 of your 8 guys are full red upgradet.
from our team, no one has red upgrades.

See you to tournament.
And have fun to write ww again.
I hope our community manager realiz that the same person report over a half year.
If crying is the answer , this is the wrong game for me sorry.

Ah and ps, Lodowa play in unsung, disq there, and play after in vanilla sky.
No one cares, we dont report them.
Today ww write to us, about report, and we told him, lodowa to this mistake.
And ww write to us, if noone report (crying to him) he dont do anythink.


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Sat May 21, 2016 9:24 pm
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Post Re: Account Banns on low Playerbase.
So if White Wolf do not get reports, he is not able to take any action. But if someone does report, then he probably checks the suspect. Many players think that White Wolf is great in his role, and I personally doubt that he would be like 'he got reported lol imma ban him haha'. If someone got banned, then there probably was a reason for that. I'd trust WW on this one.

Panzar... Panzar Boy.. Panzar! Hahaha!
    Bum Tararara! Za oknami noc!
    Czego chcesz dziewczyno, ja wiem - Panzara!
    Bum Badiradira! Chodź kochanie, chodź!
    Nie bój, nie bój się Panzara, oo!

Mon May 23, 2016 3:24 pm

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Post Re: Account Banns on low Playerbase.

First of all, all report I get about cheating unfair playing get checked on matter who is reporting, I just can't ignore a claim. You have all kind of reporters, Real ones, fake one, the one that try to mislead, fake crystal claim, ... but still I can't ignore a claim.
I have my basic check about tournaments, players and I pick 1 random player from every team to check.

We are playing on EU server now for an EU player the dc should be minimal. If you have dc please report them so we can find the problem. If you have only 6 player to start and you get dc that is really bad luck and I can't change that, it is automated. The min count of players is there not to get you disqualified to to avoid team joining with less and destroying the grid positions.

And it is true I got a report for 1 team "Great Family" that started with only 6 member. I was on holiday and there was no proof given to me. I did check and found out that the team had 1 game that started with 7 and was joined by 8 player 2 min after.

If you get banned it is not only me that is doing the banning, it is also my Russian colleague's and they are even more strict than I when it comes to flaming of chat. I can't change my point of view because there is a low player base. Even if I get multiple false claims I still check.

Last week 1 player got banned for account sharing and 1 player got a Chat ban from email I received with screenshot of flaming to other players.

What I want is that everyone plays like they should and not with the holes and backdoors you find in the Game or Game rules.

You are stating you opinion and that is your right you don't have to say sorry for that, I wish for playing like you should and not what is possible. I hope the possible publisher that Studio is talking to is going to be active soon and able to promote the game in Europe. I have no wish for any team to drop out of the game.

If a player played in 1 team and in the same tournament day plays with another team, that is a report I check almost every tournament, that is one of my standaard check before I start distributing crystals.

If I get no extra report I stick to my standard checks that is what I mean with "if I don't get reports I can't check"

I hope this answer is to your wishes.

With kind regards,

White Wolfs
White Wolfs P - White Wolfs B - White Wolfs T - White Wolfs G - White Wolfs S - White Wolfs FW - White Wolfs SF

Thu May 26, 2016 4:58 pm
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Post Re: Account Banns on low Playerbase.
White Wolf wrote:
I hope the possible publisher that Studio is talking to is going to be active soon and able to promote the game in Europe.

Pls make them fix the p2w model or matchmaking (wherever to bite the problem) first.

Thu May 26, 2016 9:00 pm

Joined: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:53 pm
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Post Re: Account Banns on low Playerbase.
panzar fixing matchmaking:

4:02 - 5:33 - it's called "making it work"
5:33 - 6:02 - when you "made it work". it's time for some tuning up "russian style"

Fri May 27, 2016 8:16 am
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