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Examples of balance 
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Post Re: Examples of balance
Lth wrote:
1) since strict class restriction in matchmaking is plain boring, bring back random class matchmaking, as long as each one has an equal or similar equipment/statistical capability, that should bring back the fun in panzar!

lol that's ridiculous. You had me there for a moment.

White Wolf, I think one of the problems with the EU community is that the EUCM is not actively playing the game and does not have a full class (last time we talked you said you dont have a single upgraded armor, but maybe this has changed since then), so you dont witness what we are talking about.

I'm open to land you my username password to go and see it with your own eyes how does it feel like when as a +4.5K bv player, you have a 2.8K frost in your side and enemy's frost has 4.4K, while rest of the team are all about 3.5Ks. One single effective class changes everything, it gets even worse when you are given a 3.5k team while enemy has a 4.5K inq. or how does it feel like playing against a team who has frost, tank and zerk, while your team got none of that but a noob 3.5k zerk. If you havent seen these cases or you dont believe them, you dont play Panzar, you cant help us.

Thu Jul 14, 2016 7:16 am

Joined: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:53 pm
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Post Re: Examples of balance
Headquarters wrote:
Lth wrote:
1) since strict class restriction in matchmaking is plain boring, bring back random class matchmaking, as long as each one has an equal or similar equipment/statistical capability, that should bring back the fun in panzar!

lol that's ridiculous. You had me there for a moment.

White Wolf, I think one of the problems with the EU community is that the EUCM is not actively playing the game and does not have a full class (last time we talked you said you dont have a single upgraded armor, but maybe this has changed since then), so you dont witness what we are talking about.

I'm open to land you my username password to go and see it with your own eyes how does it feel like when as a +4.5K bv player, you have a 2.8K frost in your side and enemy's frost has 4.4K, while rest of the team are all about 3.5Ks. One single effective class changes everything, it gets even worse when you are given a 3.5k team while enemy has a 4.5K inq. or how does it feel like playing against a team who has frost, tank and zerk, while your team got none of that. If you havent seen these cases or you dont believe them, you dont play Panzar, you cant help us.

forget about efficiencies. start talking about mastery please.

people that explicitly link the BV system with game balance have a slave mentality and are victims of causality. in the case that a high BV is not the cause of it, but just an undesirable effect. the same cause that caused the undesireable effect could easily have a desireable effect (lower BV)

science is good,

less masturbating more meditating is also good,

now please talk mastery instead of over-inflated and under-inflated empty numbers that don't help the cause.

xylar would agree with me on this one. so don't try to counter this with any silly nonsense. spare the time for both of us. since we have the same goal basically. and that is to make empty panzar developer heads more full - so they can make better decisions.

regarding the random classes for matchmaking. well panzar was the most fun and popular back in the day when classes in matchmaking were mostly random. battles were very fun, intriguing, competetive, and rarely one sided. maybe you haven't experienced then since you weren't there. and i understand that you may have a closed mind since you were subjected to the abuse of the current matchmaking system for a long time. but anyway, those were the days, 10v10 games of pure fun. barely anyone was complaining back then.

cause admit it, you don't really know who would win the game. 10 gunners or 10 sappers. 10 frosts or 10 fires. 10 berserkers or 10 tanks. and that's the best part. of not knowing and finding out. makes for a dynamic and interesting game.

Thu Jul 14, 2016 8:41 am

Joined: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:53 pm
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Post Re: Examples of balance
Headquarters wrote:
White Wolf, I think one of the problems with the EU community is that

and you had me there for a moment as well.

Thu Jul 14, 2016 8:49 am
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Post Re: Examples of balance
Lth wrote:
Headquarters wrote:
White Wolf, I think one of the problems with the EU community is that

and you had me there for a moment as well.

In some ways i give you the right about not associating the BV with Mastery or even skill, HOWEVER, a big difference in BV DOES indicate the actual effectiveness of that individual player in a battle. for example, there is a real difference between 5k inq and 4k inq, and sometimes they have same mastery, or there is a huge difference between a 2.9k frost and a 4.4k frost (i have seen them in the same battle) but who cares about mastery of a frost? no one, but the 4.4k frost knows to atleast block!! unlike the 2.9k one who never blocks and I, as a healer fail to save.

Useless players in team are not only useless, but they are actually harmful for their team. They give rage to enemy zerk and extra easy CP to other enemy team. and those low BV players (for ex. team of avg 4k with a 3.5k zerk) who show up in a battle of high BV players (same avg 4k like the other team but zerk 5k) are nothing but harm for their team.

This game Lth, is not all about mastery, skill is essential.

Thu Jul 14, 2016 10:54 am
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Post Re: Examples of balance
I didnt read everything but if i understand correctly then u want to make a matchmaking with stats. Sorry, but this is most stupid idea ive ever read.
In this game exist so many facking cute noobs who have 7.4k+ mastery who just have less than 4k eff and you want to play with those noobs? You can easy have full red chars but what u cant have is SKILL...
The main problem is the low playerbase. How can the matchmaking makes a good game with less players?
WW explained how the matchmaking works. It's simple and the best idea in my opinion. Matchmaking tries to make a fast game with same BV stats, but if he cant make it, because it takes too long, he reduces the cap of BV (0-3min >5k / 3-5min <5k...) These are just random numbers. Matchmaking doesnt look on which classes will be in team, he just want to make a fast game with same BV stats.
Do you know why Xylar and Lth? No, you dont because u are brainless.
BEcause low playerbase. Devs could easy make a matchmaking with those factors, fast game, same BV stats, 2 tanks, 2 frost, 1 fire, 1 healer 1 dwarf and 1 zerk. But they cant, because low playerbase.
This game was first 20v20 later 10v10 and now 8v8. I think they did it because to make faster games, not sure it's just my opinion. None of us like to wait 10mins for a game.
What else can devs do to optimized matchmaking? Change to stats? Holy puppies, it will be more worse than before. It needs bigger playerbase to make a good matchmaking.

True words...
Headquarters wrote:
This game Lth, is not all about mastery, skill is essential.

Thu Jul 14, 2016 10:56 am

Joined: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:53 pm
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Post Re: Examples of balance
Headquarters wrote:
In some ways i give you the right about not associating the BV with Mastery or even skill, HOWEVER, a big difference in BV DOES indicate the actual effectiveness of that individual player in a battle. for example, there is a real difference between 5k inq and 4k inq, and sometimes they have same mastery, or there is a huge difference between a 2.9k frost and a 4.4k frost (i have seen them in the same battle) but who cares about mastery of a frost? no one, but the 4.4k frost knows to atleast block!! unlike the 2.9k one who never blocks and I, as a healer fail to save.

Useless players in team are not only useless, but they are actually harmful for their team. They give rage to enemy zerk and extra easy CP to other enemy team. and those low BV players (for ex. team of avg 4k with a 3.5k zerk) who show up in a battle of high BV players (same avg 4k like the other team but zerk 5k) are nothing but harm for their team.

"sometimes". that's why you usually get 1 good game and 3 bad games. since you can't tell the difference between an actually good 5k inquisitor and a fake leaver 5k inquisitor.

if you can fake the system, that means the system itself is fake.

so it ain't gonna work kiddo. cause it's not the flaws of the matchmaking, but the actual matchmaking, which is inherently flawed.

Headquarters wrote:
This game Lth, is not all about mastery, skill is essential.

i wonder how much brainpower you put in writing this statement. i'm guessing not too much.

Thu Jul 14, 2016 3:33 pm

Joined: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:53 pm
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Post Re: Examples of balance
Mr.Unsichtbar wrote:
I didnt read everything but if i understand correctly then u want to make a matchmaking with stats. Sorry, but this is most stupid idea ive ever read.
In this game exist so many facking cute noobs who have 7.4k+ mastery who just have less than 4k eff and you want to play with those noobs? You can easy have full red chars but what u cant have is SKILL...

exactly. so after what you said above, it makes even more sense to make it stat/mastery based or anything other than BV based, since any "facking cute noob" can easily raise their BV to your level by simply leaving games until they achieve the desired result. and you will be subjected to playing with them. even if you grow the population 10 times you will still have to play with those people, since BV principles remain the same.

one big logical fallacy you are, Mr Bar. look it even rhymes, hah

and so you are entitled to your opinion. nothing wrong with that.

however, when designing a matchmaking pattern, opinions don't count, only stable numbers which you can measure most accurately at any given time. and BV is not one of those numbers as of right now. too many variables for them to represent something accurately.

Thu Jul 14, 2016 4:29 pm
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Post Re: Examples of balance
Lth wrote:

so it ain't gonna work kiddo.

i wonder how much brainpower you put in writing this statement. i'm guessing not too much.

I bet you are one of those 3k useless fires who gets 2/16 kill/death at the end of every battle. Just quit this game please, there are more age appropriate games like LEGO and Tetris, believe me, you'll have more joy playing them.

Fri Jul 15, 2016 9:53 am

Joined: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:53 pm
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Post Re: Examples of balance
Headquarters wrote:
Lth wrote:

so it ain't gonna work kiddo.

i wonder how much brainpower you put in writing this statement. i'm guessing not too much.

I bet you are one of those 3k useless fires who gets 2/16 kill/death at the end of every battle. Just quit this game please, there are more age appropriate games like LEGO and Tetris, believe me, you'll have more joy playing them.

some people's incapability of an argument boggles my mind.

a soft gummy bear hiding behind a thick shell. get your puppies together headquarter. and stop masturbating your life away, here on panzar forums.

Fri Jul 15, 2016 2:03 pm
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